Baby Aylee was born on April 6th, 2023 at 2:41 am. She was a tiny little one weighing at 5Ibs. Such a cute little pea and is the youngest of three. Her siblings are so excited for her. She is very well-loved and Dad jokingly said to me, "This is our last, I'm getting old"
During our session, this little girl was easy and chill, We barely heard a peep from her. Her parents sat nearby watching the session; enjoying their last newborn.
Newborn Aylee photographed at 2 weeks of age.
Check out Aylee's newborn session here:
My studio is located in Antelope, California (Greater Sacramento Area)
Specializing in newborn portraits, babies' first year, and cake smash
Sacramento, California Newborn Photographer | Sacramento, California Baby Photographer