Congratulations on your upcoming newborn! We are so excited to meet your little one soon! Here are some details to help you have a wonderful sessions.

Planning your in home family portraits
We will use any wall in your home as long as we can fit your family.
Please plan to wear whites or light colors. Please avoid dark colors and patterns.
No shoes needed as we don't capture feet anyways.
Any wall blemishes will be easily edited out . Please text us a photo of your wall space so we can plan accordingly.
You can see an example here :

If you are nursing, sometimes the a baby can be sensitive to what you are eating, we highly recommend you avoid certain foods for 48 hours. Foods you should avoid that have been known to cause gassy and fussy babies are:
Veggies: Asparagus , Broccoli , Cauliflower , Brussels Sprouts , Cabbage
Citrus: Tomatoes, Lemon, Limes, Oranges.
Also avoid - Spices, spicy food, caffeine and sodas
Studio contact : Please save our number and email. Feel free to text us when baby arrives!