Hi You guys,
Here is a video I made for a training I did. I hope this helps those of you struggling with newborn flow. Enjoy!
Check a list of my favorite vendors here: https://www.tinytoesandpaws.com/post/my-favorite-vendors

If you are wanting to learn more and need words of encouragement and a "mini coach me" session, you can purchase my other video for only $20! Its a great video to coach you guys on how I got to where I am today. The Tips for the Struggling Newborn Photographer is a 28 minute video on how I took my business to the next level. You will also have access to download a prep guide that you can change to your own liking, must have photoshop to edit.
Purchase our Tips for Struggling Newborn Photographers video and editable Newborn prep file here:
"Really loved coaching with Cindy, she was fun and straight the point." - Anita , South Carolina.
"It's hard with newborn photography and I'm glad I found Cindy's video. It was affordable which is good when your starting. I watched her videos over and over and over until It clicked. I still struggle from time to time and then I re-watch her video and it's like a reminder for me to fine tune the details." Jean , Italy.
"Listening to Cindy is like a reflection of my own life. I could totally relate. Loved her tips and I use her prep guide all the time. " Mike , Indiana.